Call For Data

GeoCENS is seeking new sensor data.  Click here for more info.


GeoCENS is actively seeking researchers, real-time data sensors, and quality geographical data to utilize and test the GeoCENS portal.

To contribute data, become a GeoCENS user, or for more information and questions, please contact the GeoCENS team using the following contact form.

Alternatively, you can follow the GeoCENS team at @geocens on twitter or check out the GeoSensor Web Lab at the University of Calgary for information and updates on GeoCENS and other related projects.



Type the characters you see in this picture. (verify using audio)
Type the characters you see in the picture above; if you can't read them, submit the form and a new image will be generated. Not case sensitive.

GeoCENS is funded by CANARIE's (Network-Enabled Platform Program) and Cybera Inc.